Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Kind of Relationships I Want

Last week was full of let downs. Humans are imperfect and bound to disappoint, offend, and otherwise hurt each other...despite our best intentions or efforts to prevent it.

I have a BLUE type personality on both The Color Code and True Colors, which means I'm most focused on people and relationships. Respect, communication, trust, and dependability are really important to me. That's why the series of broken plans and lack of responses last week - combined with the stresses of moving and minimal social interaction - left me feeling really low. I was tired of giving way more than I was receiving in relationships (of all kinds) and didn't know who I could count on anymore.

But that's not the point of this post, which ultimate purpose is to glorify God.

Thankfully, the week ended with a Fast Sunday. As I pondered about what I most needed, I decided to fast for God's help in maintaining and improving important relationships, and for the Spirit to help me discern which relationships are worth investing in. I wanted/needed this so much that I was determined to not break my fast even when I was feeling ill and needed to take medicine.
God honors sacrifices and answers prayers.
I don't know WHY I'm always surprised when the Lord answers the prayers I'm fasting for. Help thou mine unbelief! (Mark 9:24) Last month, I fasted for my housing situation to work out, and it did! I found 3 fabulous roommates. This month, the blessings were immediate.

Starting that very night, most of the people who disappointed me (that I was deciding to turn my back on) reached out to me through all avenues of communication with genuine love and concern, showing that they valued my friendship and didn't want it to fall by the wayside (using Biblical terms).
- M.P. Facebook-messaged me and asked how my weekend was, and we had a good chat catching up. I could tell he was really trying to follow up on his apology for dropping the ball on our plans.

- S.C. called me and left a long sincere voicemail apologizing that our plans didn't work out. He explained the circumstances that got in the way and offered to hang out in the last week before he leaves for school.

- S.D. texted me on Monday telling me he was back in town and asked me how I was, and was genuinely concerned that I'd had a rough week.

- T.G. emailed me (responding to my email thanking her for hanging out on Saturday) that she loved my DC blog and explicitly said that she really values my friendship.

- M.M. emailed me (responding) that she did want to go to the concert with me, invited me to another activity, and asked caring questions about my week.

- B.C. agreed to make plans for the following weekend and suggested getting together sometime during the week.

- My new roommates, a couple of old roommates, and old friends all offered love, empathy, and advice about a trial I am going through.
I am so grateful for a Heavenly Father who exemplifies what the perfect relationship should be like. He listens attentively, He responds honestly and in a timely manner, He keeps promises unfailingly, He comforts compassionately, He counsels wisely, He chastises firmly but lovingly. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, who is the best friend we could ever have.
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13)
I'm forever grateful and indebted to my Savior who died that we might "have life, and ... have it more abundantly." (John 10:10) And I'm grateful to those people who make my life so abundantly rich!

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