Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Summer Capstone

So once again, the Lord's plans for me were PERFECT and much better than my own best plans. I didn't want to come home for the summer but felt like it was the most responsible thing to do because I could save money by living at home, and was hoping to get my old [receptionist] job back somehow.

I was determined to get a full-time job right away, working steady business hours. Since most of my close friends wouldn't be around all summer :( I decided I'd just stay at home alot and stock up on quality family time because I didn't want to come back next summer, which meant I wouldn't be as social in the YSA branch, but that's ok. In my spare time, I'd indulge in all the TV shows/movies/books/magazines/music I usually don't have time for during the school year. I'd continue self-improvement with home exercise videos and weekly salsa dancing.

There actually isn't a huge difference in every area except employment. After 1 month of unemployment, I asked my friend for a Priesthood Blessing, which promised that I would get a job this summer; it may not be the kind I'm looking for but it would provide the income. I was kind of wary about that but kept working hard to apply for jobs. I ended up getting a 10 day temp job and also a very part-time job organizing the mail of a family friend who went on vacation. Then one month before coming back to BYU, my good friend's dad offered me a job at his medical office. I was so grateful for all of these sources of income as well as clerical work experience (which is the kind of job I want to apply for).

So I only worked full-time for 1/4 of the summer but I did make some income - much less than previous summers but definitely better than nothing. As I worked long and hard for the last month, I started missing my "me time", but more importantly, I realized why God made me wait 3 months for a real job. In my 3 months of unemployment, I was able to enjoy blessings that I could have received no other way if I were to be busy absorbed with work or stayed in Utah:

- I was able to watch my little brother, Chris, grow up and officially turn into a teenager (13 years old)! I relished in going to his band concert and guitar jam session, taking him to spend all his savings on a skateboard, nurturing him spiritually, watching his excitement as he earned money for the first time (from someone besides our parents - the neighbors), being silly and playing with him (he's also developed a wicked mischievous sense of humor!), and teach him how to treat acne and take care of his new braces. He is growing up into a fine young man. I'm so proud of him and just wish I could be there every step of the way during the tough teen years.

- I was able to do hands-on missionary work with the branch missionaries by going to discussions with them. Ohh my, I loved it so much and did as much as I could because I knew I wouldn't be able to do it for a looong time, especially in the Mormon bubble (aka Provo). They would call me up a few hours before a discussion in the middle of the day and I'd just up and go! That was almost impossible after I got a job. They used me as an example of a happy convert, and I loved bearing my testimony and relating to them.

- I was able to have "3 months of unemployment experience" - which proved to be invaluable in training myself to perfect my resume, refine my cover letters, interview well, and search out job resources. I went through so many job agencies and websites, and sent probably 1000's of emails/applications. It was tiring, frustrating, and disappointing. I sought out every avenue of help I could...and now I realize that the Lord had basically enrolled me in a 3 month course in "Job Searching", skills that are crucial in this economy. As I learned, I even helped my dad look for a part-time job after retirement. I was able to use the faith I'd built in those trying times to boost my discouraged friends in their job hunts. And now I'm using those skills to look for a job on campus!

- I was able to watch some really fascinating and fun TV shows and movies that I would not be able to enjoy at school (no TV set). I read for fun (!), practiced piano, sang new songs, tried new kinds of exercise, and got excess amounts of sleep! I got more rest and sleep time than I cared for but somehow I knew it was God's "forced vacation" on me, before things get busy hectic for the entire next year. God's also right about not really being able to enjoy rest/relaxation if there is no work to contrast it.

- I was really able to help "build up home and family". I'm a convert and the only member in my family so I was able to use insights they didn't have to make our home and family more loving and peaceful.

- I was able to read and listen to alot more church material. There's no easy quick way to get all that edification, but with my unemployment, I was able to dedicate alot more time to learning eternal spiritual truths.

So there you have it. If your life is not going as planned - reassess, work your hardest, and trust the Lord to guide your ship to the most desirable destination. Your journey will also be much more meaningful, useful, and enjoyable :)

On to a another new exciting promising year at BYU!!!

1 comment:

  1. Linda-

    I did not know you are a convert! That is awesome! That makes me love you that much more. I love to read your blog because I feel like we are so much alike. It seems like we both constantly seek continual self-improvement. You are just wonderful! I love you.

